Can PEMF be used alongside other therapies?

Can PEMF be used alongside other therapies?

“Magnetic therapies can and should be combined with other types of therapeutic approaches” Dr W Pawluk. With this week being complementary therapy week, we thought we would share how PEMFs can, and should be used alongside some more traditional therapy methods. Due to PEMFs working on such a basic level, their effects are enhanced with the use of other modalities. […]

Using PEMF therapy in a clinic – An interview

Using PEMF therapy in a clinic – An interview

Will’s experience with the Zimmer emField Pro. How do you introduce the treatment to patients? The best way I would describe it to a client is, varies between muscle activation and posture issues. So, a lot of people who struggle with posture problems, like rolling the shoulders forward, I always explain that it allows us to create muscle contractions without […]

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